What's Brewing – Page 2 – GuadalupeRoastery

What's Brewing

The cost of the war on coffee farmers.

The cost of the war on coffee farmers.

Guadalupe Roastery

Hey friends! We have started this blog to share some thoughts about current events and how it is affecting the coffee market. This blog will be focused on a problem, and then a solution. The solution is what we are working towards. The problem: the cost of the war on coffee farmers.Russia and Ukraine are two of the world's leading producers of food and agricultural products. Russia also produces huge amounts of nutrients, such as potassium and phosphate, key ingredients in fertilizers that allow plants and crops to have a larger yield. The majority of coffee farms apply fertilizers on...

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Coffee and China: The Farms, Shops, and Communism

Coffee and China: The Farms, Shops, and Communism

Johanna Duncan

It is true that China is the land of tea, but coffee has a sweet spot in China and over the past century it has grown exponentially. Much of it is due to the western influence in China as more Europeans and Americans insist on drinking the coffee while they visit China, creating  a need for the Chinese market to cater to foreigners and locals interested in the foreign drink alike.  Nonetheless, coffee is not an absolute foreign in China. Coffee was first introduced to China during the Ming dynasty (1368-1644), but it did not become popular until much later....

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The Ways Coffee Can Make You Happier

The Ways Coffee Can Make You Happier

Johanna Duncan

Whoever said money can’t buy happiness, does not know the kinds of coffee money can buy.  Can coffee really make you happier? This question has quite a hot take as our individual happiness cannot be established by outside factors such as what we choose to consume. Nonetheless, there is scientific proof and vast tradition to prove that coffee can have a positive effect on our levels of happiness.  Coffee is a natural antidepressant   It is widely known that coffee has an impact on your brain. What is especially fascinating is that recent studies show that coffee blocks our brain's...

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The Beauty of Voltaire's Attitude to Life and Coffee

The Beauty of Voltaire's Attitude to Life and Coffee

Johanna Duncan

Voltaire, the man known for being an intellectual powerhouse and author of many sassy words such as, “God, protect me from my friends. I can handle my enemies.” “If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.” “Behind every successful man stands a surprised mother-in-law. And perhaps some wiser ones,  “The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us.”“Man is free at the instant he wants to be.”   Voltaire was known to be an avid coffee drinker, and he is often quoted as having said, "I have only ever known one way to...

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The Anti-burnout Coffee Rituals

The Anti-burnout Coffee Rituals

Johanna Duncan

Burnout has existed for as long as humans have been around, but it seems like nowadays it is more prevalent than in previous decades. Why? Probably because We live in the age of hustling and overachievers. We take pride in working hard and accomplishing above the expected, and while there is goodness in this attitude, it is also true that we can crash.  Balance is everything, for it is not worth it to be super productive if later you will crash and mentally or emotionally hurt yourself to the point that you can’t keep up with your own work ethic....

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Starbucks is Pouring Olive Oil in Their Coffee 🤢

Starbucks is Pouring Olive Oil in Their Coffee 🤢

Johanna Duncan

If there is something more Italian than a well brewed coffee, it must be olive oil. Nonetheless, these two have not ever hung out together (at least officially) until this week when Starbucks announced that they have a new line of drinks containing one spoonful of olive oil. The line is called Oleato and the launch is exclusive to Italy, but the plan is that it will soon be served across the whole world.  The announcement has brought many mixed reactions and low approvals among Italians. It is understood that it is more of a business move than anything else....

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